6 Secret Tips: How to boost testosterone naturally?

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Know in detail how to boost testosterone naturally and some information about natural testosterone boosters.

Testosterone is the most essential hormone for men. It helps enhance Muscle Growth, promotes hair growth, is responsible for sex drive, and improves bone density & overall strength. Testosterone is also known as Male Hormone.

Testosterone deficiency can cause many side effects in the body, like obesity, low muscle growth, slow hair growth, slow beard growth, weak sex power and low body strength.

Testosterone keeps increasing in males till the age of 25 to 30 years; after 40 years, it starts decreasing slowly.

In today’s world, most people have unhealthy lifestyles, which is why testosterone starts decreasing in teenagers, which results in laziness, hair fall, low body strength and muscle mass.

Tips: How to boost testosterone naturally?

For bodybuilding and fast muscle growth, many people start using steroids. Still, it can cause many serious side effects like hair loss, kidney disease, heart disease, irritability, severe acne, high blood pressure, shrinking of testicles, etc.

When you start injecting testosterone from outside then, your body stops producing testosterone naturally, and it leads to hormonal imbalance in the body. It is essential to boost testosterone naturally.

1. Have Natural Testosterone Boosters

how to boost testosterone with ashwagandha and shilajit

How to boost testosterone with Shilajit and Ashwagandha: Shilajit and Ashwagandha are natural testosterone boosters; they help boost testosterone without side effects. You can include these in your diet in supplement form. You can have them with warm milk at night 30 minutes before bed.

You can use half a tablespoon of Ashwagandha in summer and a pinch of Shilajit in milk in winter. Buy natural Shilajit and Ashwagandha from the links given below:

2. Sunlight

sunlight to boost testosterone

Sunlight can boost testosterone naturally because sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps increase testosterone. Many Doctors recommend vitamin D Tablets to boost testosterone naturally. Early morning or before sunset for 15 to 20 minutes is the best time to be in sunlight.

Sunlight also helps in reducing cortisol levels in the body. Low cortisol levels are linked with high testosterone levels. Take sunlight daily as a routine, which will benefit your health.

3. Live Stress-Free

live stress free to boost testosterone

Stress negatively affects testosterone because it increases cortisol levels in the body. Stress situations like tension, fear and depression increase cortisol levels in the body.

Stress has become a part of everyday life nowadays, which adversely affects testosterone. Any stress decreases testosterone, so always be happy. Stay happy to boost testosterone and live stress-free. Meditate daily, enjoy nature and exercise regularly; it helps deal with stress naturally.

4. Workout

workout on how to boost testosterone

How to boost testosterone with exercise: A good workout can boost your testosterone naturally, so workout regularly. Any form of resistance training is best to increase testosterone levels. Weight training for 1 hour 4-5 times a week will help boost this hormone.

Some studies suggest that high-intensity workouts lead to higher levels of testosterone. Do not skip leg exercises like deadlifts, squats, lunges, sumo squats, leg presses, etc.; these exercises boost testosterone levels.

5. Food and Nutrition

foods to boost testosterone

How to boost testosterone with Nutrition: A balanced diet is recommended for the best health benefits. Zinc, vitamin D and healthy fats are essential in the diet for increasing testosterone naturally.

Whole-fat milk, desi cow ghee, paneer, dry fruits, coconut, kidney beans, black chana, chickpeas, mushrooms, seeds, whole grains, leafy green vegetables etc., are excellent testosterone boosting foods.

You do not need testosterone boosting supplements if you include these food items properly in your diet. You can eat eggs or meat in your diet if you are non-vegetarian.

What not to eat to boost testosterone?

How to boost testosterone by avoiding some foods: Eat less sugar because it spikes insulin, lowering testosterone levels.

Avoid GM (Genetically Modified) Plants and animal foods because their DNA is modified for higher production. GM foods have adverse effects on health. Soy Beans, Corn, Papaya and salmon are mostly GMO. So try to purchase these foods from local vendors.

Avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol is highly estrogenic, which lowers testosterone levels, so consume it in minimum quantity to avoid its adverse effects.

6. Sleep Well

sleep to increase testosterone

How to boost testosterone by taking proper rest: Proper rest is most important to boost testosterone. When you wake up after sound sleep you feel relaxed and have better muscle definition. Testosterone levels are at their highest after a sound sleep, so it is vital to have proper rest.

Usually, 7-8 hours sleep is good enough. Quality is more important in sleep than quantity and 10 pm to 4 pm is the best time to sleep. Sleep on fixed timings almost everyday to get proper rest and stay away from electronic gadgets at least 30 minutes before sleep.

Watch Video on How to boost Testosterone Naturally?

Watch Video on how to boost testosterone with test boosting exercises:

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